Community Integrated Employment (CIE) activities support individuals to obtain and maintain employment in the community. Services are individualized to meet the needs, interests and skills of the person that is being supported. Employment services support people in jobs that are in integrated businesses, industries, or government environments. Scope of Service CIE is intended to provide supports that result in jobs in the community which increase economic independence, self-reliance, social connections, and the ability to grow within a career. CIE services are geared to place people with disabilities in employment settings with non-disabled co-workers within the general workforce or assist the person in business ownership. This service may include small group employment. People are supported to explore and seek opportunity for career advancement through growth in wages, hours, experience, promotions and/or movement from group to individual employment. People are provided the opportunity to participate in negotiating their work schedule, break/lunch times, leave and medical benefits with their employer. These activities are to be reflected in individual career development plans. CIE includes Job Development, Short-term Job Coaching, Job Maintenance, Self-Employment, Intensive Community Integrated Employment (ICIE), and CIE- Group models. All the models may incorporate elements of customized employment, which includes job carving, job restructuring, and negotiated responsibilities. Reasonable accommodations are essential to employment, when needed. A Community Inclusion Aide may be provided to assist individuals with personal care needs related to ADLs in individual community employment settings when natural supports are not available. Services must be provided in a way that does not embarrass, disrespect, or restrict a person from making friendships and co-worker relationships. Natural/peer supports should be explored and encouraged to potentially fade the paid supports. Fading paid supports is most successful when natural/peer supports are in place and stable. In a group employment setting, the provider determines the job site and is responsible for the day-to-day supervision of the individuals and for follow-up services. For individual placements, the employer is responsible for the provision of general supervision consistent with his or her role as employer.
General CIE Requirements shall be provided based on the interests of the person and Desired Outcomes listed in the ISP. Employment services are to be available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. Services are driven by the person’s Desired Outcome and the job. Services may include remote based supports if they are appropriate, and person centered. CIE services are not intended to be portrayed as a 2 for 1 employment situation. Individuals should be supported to be as independent as possible, on the job. CIE Staff are expected to support, teach/train and promote independence and are not allowed to complete the job for the individual.
The above is an abbreviated version of this chapter. For a full description of Community Integrated Employment Services please click here, scroll to the index and click Chapter 11.7.
From the Developmental Disabilities Waiver (DDW) Service Standards Manuel - Revised April 23, 2013, June 15, 2015, March 1, 2018, November 1, 2021