Mi Via
Mi Via is the Developmental Disabilities Support Division’s self-directed waiver program. In alignment with the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) Final Rule for all Home and Community Based-Services (HCBS) settings, Mi Via is designed to support participants to have decision-making authority over their Waiver services and take direct responsibility to manage their services within a system of available supports. With more choice, control, flexibility, freedom offered through self-direction, there is more participant responsibility and accountability.
CMS Final Rule Setting Requirements
All individuals receiving Home and Community Based Services (Waiver services).
- Engage in community life;
- Have access to the community;
- Control their personal resources;
- Seek employment and work in competitive settings;
- Make informed choices about their lives.

Guiding Principles of Mi Via
All participants:
- Have value and potential;
- Will be viewed in terms of their abilities;
- Have the right to live, work, learn and receive services and supports to meet their individual needs, in the most integrated setting possible within their community.
Your Role
Participants, their families and/or authorized representatives (if applicable), take direct responsibility for managing their services and managing their service plan and budgets, establishing their own employees and/or selecting their own vendor agencies to provide services with support from existing systems within the Mi Via program including the ability to choose who will assist them with establishing ongoing services and supports through Mi Via program. They are responsible for working with a Consultant to maintain program eligibility, for developing the Service and Support Plan/budget, monitoring their service budget, and/or appropriately designating a non-paid Employer of Record (EOR), if needed. The EOR is a nonpaid person who assists with the oversight of employee functions if using employees and/or the EOR can assist with vendors for services if using vendors. Participants/EOR provide for or arrange for the training they feel is necessary for their employees and/or vendors to have, for keeping records and documents of vendor and/or employee agreements, EOR packets, copies of timesheets and invoices and maintaining copies of Medical and Financial eligibility.
Who We Serve...
Mi Via only serves those individuals who have received a Developmental Disabilities Waiver (DDW) allocation or a Medically Fragile Waiver (MFW) allocation from the Department of Health Developmental Disabilities Supports Division (DOH DDSD). If you are not yet in a Waiver program, you must register for services with the DOH/DDSD Intake and Eligibility Unit (505) 841-5552.
Will I lose my Allocation?
No you will not lose your allocation or have to go back on to the “waiting list”. If you are currently being served by the DD waiver or the MF waiver and you decide that you want to participate in Mi Via, or if you are on the Mi Via waiver and would like to participant on the applicable DD or MF waiver, you will need to fill out a Waiver Change Form (WCF) to request a change in waiver programs. You will receive a WCF upon request from the DOH DDSD MF Waiver Program Manager or the local DOH/DDSD Regional Office.