Adult Services/Support
We at EnSueños Y Los Angelitos Development Center (ELADC) have a passion to assist individuals with developmental disabilities to live their lives as independent as possible, while becoming a part of their community and continually being the best that they can be.
We help to enhance their lives by providing services and supports which enable them to live, work, and participate in their communities.
Day Habilitation Service Program
These services are provided to individuals regardless of his or her living environment, and regularly takes place in a non-residential setting, separate from the individual’s private residence or other home. Day Habilitation services can assist individuals to acquire, retain and improve their self-help, socialization and adaptive skills, including communication, travel, and other areas in adult education. Activities and environments are designed to foster the development of skills and appropriate behavior, greater independence, community inclusion, relationship building, self-advocacy, and informed choice. Additionally, individuals accessing day habilitation often contribute to their communities through work programs or volunteer programs.
Residential Services Program
This program enables individuals with developmental disabilities to live not only in an active community, but also to become integrated into that community. Small home settings allow for more individualized attention and opportunities. Our trained staff support the personal outcomes for each of the individuals and believe in natural supports such as friends and neighbors. Persons are served without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin or economic status.
Mi Via Self Directed Waiver Program
ELADC is a vendor agency for individuals receiving support under the Mi Via Waiver. Mi Via provides self-directed home and community-based services to participants who have intellectual and/or developmental (I/DD), or medically fragile conditions (MF). Mi Via, which means “my path”, “my way” or “my road”, is designed to assist you in managing your own services and supports to live your best life. Mi Via is about choosing self-direction over your home and community-based services, support and goods within your approved plan and budget. Contact Melissa Montoya for more information. Click to learn more about Mi Via.
New Developmental Disabilities Waiver (DDW) Allocation Group
This year’s legislative session appropriated money to remove individuals from the Wait List for DD and Mi Via waivers. DDSD identified the recent 330 individuals on the Wait List and sent them Letters of Interest on Friday, May 10, 2019. To read the full article please click the following link: NM Dept Health Memo
DOH and HSD propose a three-tiered plan for people with disabilities currently waiting for assistance on the Developmental Disabilities Waiver.
New Mexico Department of Health (DOH) and the Human Services Department (HSD) propose implementing a three phased approach to provide temporary assistance to those on the Developmental Disabilities (DD) Waitlist first and to ultimately overhaul the DD Waiver program over a 6-year period in hope of implementing a more sustainable program that better provides the services needed and eliminates the waitlist. To read the full article please click the following link: NM Dept Health Memo 3-Tiered Memo
For more information regarding the adult services provided by EnSueños Y Los Angelitos Development Center, please contact one of our knowledgeable managers Joseph Rivera, Analisa Vigil or Melissa Montoya.